Send this beautiful arrangement which includes gerbera daisies, hydrangeas, roses and more in an bright array of spring colors. This medley of bright pink, purple and blue flowers is absolutely glorious, and perfect for any occasion or just to brighten...
The Harvest Pumpkin Arrangement is the perfect seasonal gift. The colors of fall are on display with roses, carnations, lilies, mums, fall foliage and mini cat tails all expertly arrangement in a ceramic pumpkin container. Send this as a...
THE DAZZLER Best Seller!
The Dazzler is a mix of brightly colored fresh flowers including lilies, roses & daisies with a curly willow accent pulled together in a abundant bouquet. This is a loosely designed flower arrangement that looks like it was just picked fresh...
Perfectly Beautiful NEW!
This beautiful arrangement is designed with burgundy sunset proteas, berries, hanging amaranthus, white roses, hydrangeas & more. A gorgeous bouquet put together by our expert designers in a tall cylinder vase accented with river rocks. ...
EXTRA SPECIAL -Succulents & Orchids!
This beautiful arrangement is extra special in every way. Premium cut Rannuculus, Roses. Cymbidium Orchids, green Dianthus and assorted succulents all come together in a round cylinder vase lined with ty leaves for and gorgeous presentation. ...
Pure Classic Elegance
This classic white arrangement is the perfect display at any special event in Richmond. All white & ivory flowers including roses, oriental lilies and mini green hydrangeas are expertly designed in a clear round glass bowl. This...
Thank You
Show your gratitude with these beautiful flower arrangements and plants. Send a gift that truly expresses your thanks in just the right way. Say 'Thank you" for a job well done or an act of kindness. We can deliver these gifts with your personal message everywhere in RVA.