Send this beautiful arrangement which includes gerbera daisies, hydrangeas, roses and more in an bright array of spring colors. This medley of bright pink, purple and blue flowers is absolutely glorious, and perfect for any occasion or just to brighten up someone's day. This is an all around best seller with a lovely garden appeal.
- SKU:
- RFA-3602
- ProdPro1:
- 2
- ProdPro55:
- 18
- ProdPro76:
- 15
- ProdPro86:
- 23
- ProdPro74:
- 6
- ProdPro73:
- 5
- ProdPro80:
- 1
- ProdPro83:
- 35
- ProdPro57:
- 3
- ProdPro63:
- 36
- ProdPro79:
- 6